Abhishek Sarkar

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Abhishek Sarkar"
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Ward MC, Banovich NE, Sarkar A, et al. (2021) Dynamic effects of genetic variation on gene expression revealed following hypoxic stress in cardiomyocytes. Elife. 10
Fair BJ, Blake LE, Sarkar A, et al. (2020) Gene expression variability in human and chimpanzee populations share common determinants. Elife. 9
Fair BJ, Blake LE, Sarkar A, et al. (2020) Gene expression variability in human and chimpanzee populations share common determinants. Elife. 9
Sarkar AK, Tung PY, Blischak JD, et al. (2019) Discovery and characterization of variance QTLs in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Plos Genetics. 15: e1008045
Liu Y, Sarkar A, Kheradpour P, et al. (2017) Evidence of reduced recombination rate in human regulatory domains. Genome Biology. 18: 193
Day FR, Thompson DJ, Helgason H, et al. (2017) Genomic analyses identify hundreds of variants associated with age at menarche and support a role for puberty timing in cancer risk. Nature Genetics
Aylor DL, Valdar W, Foulds-Mathes W, et al. (2011) Genetic analysis of complex traits in the emerging Collaborative Cross. Genome Research. 21: 1213-22
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